We've made it safe and sound and we're settling nicely into California. The food here is fabulous (lots of avocado and fresh citrus) and the people are super nice. They'll actually stop and have a conversation with you. We're also adjusting to life in the 'burbs. To complete our suburban transformation, we got a dog from the
Humane Society last week.
His name is Oscar and he's pretty well behaved for the most part. He knows how to sit, shake and lay down (not always perfectly, but we're working on that). When we first got him, he pulled on the leash all the time, but has stopped doing that for the most part. We took him to the vet last week (which cost a pretty penny) and we're still waiting for some test results. He's 9 years old and we're really not sure about his life before the Humane Society. The vet found a bunch of scars on his back and his fur is sort of crazy - matted on his back legs, short some places, longer other places brown in patches and black everywhere else. His coloring looks like a Rotweiller and his tongue is black/blue like a chow. In the house he is very mellow- he lays quietly wherever we are, but is super playful whenever we want to play - mostly with tennis balls and the kong. The one bad thing we've discovered recently is that when we leave the house he sits on the couch (which he is not allowed to do when we're home). We verified our suspicions last night by setting up the pillows on the couch on their edges and going out to dinner. When we got home the pillows were all flattened and there was an indent in the pillows where the dog had been sitting.
So, that's all from dog central on the West coast for now. I'll hopefully be updating more often with the developments here.