Monday, August 29, 2005

Annapolis 10 mile run

At the start line.

Isaac has definitely become a running maniac. He ran the Annapolis 10-mile run on Sunday morning and did quite a good job. He ran it last year too, but I think did much better this year and was definitely pleased with the run. I am very proud of him and like this race, because I can walk to a bunch of spots to see him run by. The guy that won was super fast and super skinny. There were tons and tons of people in the race too. After the race, we went home and took a nice long nap.

Scroll down for more pictures.

Around mile 1

On the road passing right next to the stadium.
Isaac did a good job of spotting me the 3 times he passed by wherever I was waiting.

~ mile 3.5. Looking good!

Look Ma! This watermelon is the size of my head!

In addition to the usual post-race food (bagels, bananas, water, gatorade), the Annapolis 10-miler has the distinct claim to fame of also serving humongous pieces of watermelon sliced with machetes, hummus and beer. Because, after running 10-miles, the first thing everyone wants is beer - at 10 in the morning especially (sorry, no pictures of that).

Any watermelon seeds in our teeth?

Hey! You just ran 10 miles! Here's a boat. What the ?!?!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Isaac's 30th birthday

I finally put up pictures from Isaac's surprise party. Only took two weeks, but I had to get approval for the pictures I put up from a certain birthday boy.

Click here for the link to the video of the surprise. (thanks Mark and Cora!)

Pablo, Serena, Isaac, Mark, Cora and Laurie.
Mark and Cora helped me get Isaac out of the house so that we could surprise him and Pablo and Laurie were the first people Isaac saw when he opened the door.

Isaac, Louie and Theresa

Supatra, Isaac and Jeff

Isaac and Susan (the super co-planner, setter-upper and transporter/hider of all things party related)

Mark and Cora - aren't they cute?



Whoa that's a lot of candles!!!

Cake aftermath

This is the best birthday EVER!!!

The extent of the decorations

bal .033


9 servings a day for optimal health - key after age 30.

Thankfully, he doesn't need those very often.

mmm... crabs.

Passed out by 12:30.